How do I set a "default" vault for an entire workflow?

Shortcuts doesn't allow us to set a default for all actions in a workflow. The next best thing is creating a reference or variable pointing to a vault, and using this ✨ "Magic Variables" in every action asking for a vault.

Here's how to do that.

At the start of the workflow, insert a "Get Vault Reference" action and configure it to point to a vault.

Down the line, in any other AFO action, right-click (or long-tap) the Vault parameter, and select "Vault Reference" from the list of options. This means that the action will use the result from the "Get Vault Reference" action above.

Setup as described: "Get Vault Reference" action, followed by a "Trigger Command" action using the reference.

That's it! Now when your vault name changes, you only have to adjust one parameter in your workflow, not several.

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