Get Note Link

Screenshot of the action

Each Obsidian note has a local URL that can be used to link to that note from other applications. For example, if you know the URL of a particular meeting note you created, you can attach that link to the corresponding calendar event and get a clickable link to your note right from your Calendar app.

This action returns the URL of a given note. The URL only works locally, on the Mac or iPhone/iPad that contains the specified note in the specified vault.

(More about the URL format can be found in the official Obsidian documentation.)

This action will not check whether the specified note exists, the link is compiled without consulting Obsidian.


Suppose the file path of your note is My meeting note and the vault is named Testbed, the result would be:


For example, if you paste this link into your browser, it will open that particular vault and note.

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