Get Periodic Note

"Periodic Note" is a collective term for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Notes. In v1.3+, Periodic Notes replace what was previously only available for Daily Notes.

🚨 Working with Daily Notes requires either the core Daily Notes plugin or the Periodic Notes community plugin. Working with Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly Notes requires the Periodic Notes community plugin.

Screenshot of the action

Returns the current Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly Note. The note is returned as a Note object, which gives you access to the entire contents of the note, as well as just its body, front matter, and file path.

This action returns an error if there is no Periodic Note of the selected type for the current date, so it's best to use it after the "Check For Existence Of Periodic Note" action has determined that it actually exists.

Changes / History


  • Replaces the hard-coded Daily Note target with the ability to select Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Notes.

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