Rename/Move Folder

Screenshot of the action

Renames or moves a folder.

If the new folder path is the same as the original one, nothing happens.

If the specified folder path does not exist, an error is returned.

If the new folder path already exists, an error is returned.

If the new folder path contains a folder structure that does not exist, an error is returned..


Folder Path: /my/old/directory, New Folder Path: /my/old/My Directory

Result: Subfolder directory in folder /my/old/ is renamed to My Directory

Folder Path: /my/old/directory, New Folder Path: /my/old/My Directory

Result: Subfolder directory in folder /my/old/ is renamed to My Directory

Folder Path: /my/old/stuff , New Folder Path: /My Old Stuff

Result: Subfolder stuff in folder /my/old/ is moved to the root level of the vault and named My Old Stuff ; folder /my/old remains

Folder Path: /All The Notes , New Folder Path: /all/the/notes

Result, if folder /all/the/ exists: /All The Notes will be moved into /all/the/ and renamed to notes .

Result, if folder /all/the/ does not exist: An error.

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