Get Vault Path

macOS only.

Screenshot of the action

Returns the file system path for a given vault.

Available Options

Omit home folder prefix

By default, the result of the action is the absolute file path starting from your Home folder. If you need the full absolute file path, i.e. starting from the root of the volume, uncheck this box. Example:

  • checked: /Documents/Obsidian Vaults/Testbed
  • unchecked: /Users/czottmann/Documents/Obsidian Vaults/Testbed


I want to copy a file to your Obsidian vault, so I use this action to get the vault's file system path. I keep the "Omit home folder prefix" option enabled, because for this example only the absolute path from my Home folder is needed.

Next, I set a file for copying. This file could be anything, but for the sake of this example, I use a fixed file on my desktop, named borger.jpeg .

Finally, I use Shortcuts's built-in "Save File" action, passing the aforementioned file as the first argument (the source) and my Home folder as destination (by clicking the parameter and selecting it in the file dialog). I'll disable the "Ask Where To Save" option which allows me to enter a subpath — and here I use the output of the "Get Vault Path" action.

Screenshot of the workflow

When run, the "Save File" action will use the file name of the passed-in file, and save it under the following path: {Home folder}/{Vault path}/{file name}. In this example, this means:

  • Home folder: /Users/czottmann
  • Vault path: /Documents/Obsidian Vaults/Testbed
  • File name: borger.jpeg

… so the file is saved in /Users/czottmann/Documents/Obsidian Vaults/Testbed/borger.jpeg , i.e. in the root folder of my vault "Testbed".

Changes / History


On iOS, the action has been removed as it is currently useless due to the iOS security sandboxing.

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