Rename/Move File

Renames or moves a file via the file system (not the Obsidian API).


The path of the renamed/moved file relative to the vault root.


Rename / Move

Choose Rename when you want to change the name of a file. When you want to put it in a different folder, choose Move.


Create Folders

When enabled, then the action will automatically create any necessary folder structure. If disabled, no folders will be created.


You want to change a file's name from photo.jpg to photo 1.jpeg : Rename file photo.jpg to photo 1.jpeg

You want to change a file's name from photo.jpg to photo 1.jpeg and simultaneously move it to another folder: Rename file /folder 1/photo.jpg to /folder 2/photo 1.jpeg

You want to change a file's parent folder: Move file /folder 1/photo.jpg to /folder 2

Changes / History


  • Initial release.
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